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March 24th, 2025

Select your provinceTired of feeling excluded by the “Open to…” or “Not open to…” details of the contests we share? Here’s a reminder of a useful feature we added recently. In the right-hand sidebar you’ll see an option to “Choose your Province”. This will take you to a filtered view of all of our contests that are open to your province!

Big thanks to Mike who provided the back-end coding.

Expires December 31, 2025
February 28th, 2025

Hi All. You may be noticing the appearance of new tags for all of our contest posts. We’re rolling these out to provide a feature many users have asked for – show me the contests most relevant to me!! That’s why our team of designers, developers, ventriloquists, and sommeliers has been working day and night to bring you a filtered view of contests for every province and territory of Canada! So, for example, Quebec residents can go here to see all the contests Quebecers can enter.

We’ll clean it up a bit and put them all in a nice menu for you very shortly. Also, this is go-forward only, starting today. So contests from say, last week, won’t show in the province-specific view.

December 24th, 2024

Merry Christmas!From the team here at ContestCanada, we wish you a great holiday. That holiday may include dogs stealing food from counters, drunk uncles, or screeching kids on a sugar rush. Whatever it may be, we hope it puts a smile on your face and warmth in your heart.

Expires December 27, 2026
October 13th, 2024

happy thanksgiving from ContestCanada.netHey, know what we’re thankful for? The 1000s of people who come back to this site day after day. Since 2007 we have published over 77,000 contests for Canadians. Why? Because you keep coming back for more!

Wishing you all a great Thanksgiving weekend full of family, friends and feasting!

October 8th, 2024

Thanks to everyone who joined our contest to choose the new ContestCanada mascot. After tallying 191 votes (comments), I can officially report that Earl the Squirrel is the winner, with 146 votes. Rene the raccoon has graciously accepted the will of the people. A winner (that’s you AT) of the $20 prize has been notified by email.

July 4th, 2024

Hi Folks, we made some back-end updates to the site this morning. If you run into any odd behaviour on the site, please let us know through the contact us form. Otherwise, watch for today’s new batch of contests coming early this afternoon.

June 8th, 2024

Hi All, due to some events going on there will be no new contest posts today. We’ll be back at it tomorrow with a fresh batch. Hope everyone is having a good start to the weekend.

September 9th, 2011

I think it’s fair to say that we’ve always been among the ugly ducklings of web sites. We’ve been ok with that, though.

“It’s what’s on the inside that’s important,” we kept telling ourselves.

Sure, we had seemingly random bits of information strewn around in various places, a colour-scheme that might best be described as “meh”, and sidebar sections that seemed to stretch on for miles with only one or two words per line. Maybe “ugly” isn’t the right word, though. Perhaps “hap-hazard” is better. Either way, we didn’t worry about it too much because the site was functional and people kept coming back day after day.

And we’ve been pretty good at keeping a loyal audience over the 5+ years that we’ve been doing this. Our readers want new contests to enter every day, and we’ve been delivering them. Seven days a week. Fifty-two weeks per year. Even weekends and holidays don’t slow us down.

As long as people keep coming to the site, who cares what we look like?

Well, I guess we do. The truth is that first impressions mean a lot, and when someone came across our site from a Google search, we were not likely to impress them with the look that we had. Sure, if they took the time to look around and see how many contests we have and how valuable the visitor comments are, they’d likely come back, but there would be fairly sizable group of people that would take one look at our home page and move on. We want to reduce the size of that group.

So, after days of slaving away in the basement office, we have emerged with a new look! It’s still a work-in-progress, so there will continue to be changes, but we’re already pretty pleased with the difference. The updates also open the door for some more changes that we’ll be introducing in the next few weeks.

The site’s functionality should still be the same as what you’re used to, other than the fact that a few things like the Categories list and Recent Comments have moved to new locations. We moved the Recent Comments section to the bottom of the page because it takes up a lot of space and doesn’t really fit in the sidebar. What do you think of this? Do you often look at the Recent Comments? Should it be more prominent?

And, overall, what do you think? Have we gone from ugly duckling to swan? Or at least from ugly duckling to ugly duckling with a cute smile?

Please feel free to let us know in the comments.

May 15th, 2011

The recent Canadian election has got us in a very democratic mood here at In particular, the issue that has been discussed a couple of times in the past few weeks is the handling of blog contests. In the past, we included them along with regular contests on the main page, but then we separated them onto their own page. The ongoing feedback we’ve been getting is that it would also be good to have an icon or button that clearly indicates that a particular listing is for a blog contest.

And so, after several minutes slaving over an on-line button-generator, this is what we came up with: Blog Contest button

You’ll see this button on the site and in the newsletter each day, next to the little flags for Canada and the US.

Another thing that we’ve been hearing quite a bit lately is that some folks really don’t like the contests where you have to submit a photo or essay and then get your friends to vote for you. There are more and more of these in recent times as companies jump on the social media bandwagon. Sometimes these contests have pretty amazing prizes, so we definitely want to continue listing them. As John pointed out in a recent comment, “Sometimes the contests that require a little effort mean that the odds are that much better!”

So, in an effort to please everyone, we’ve added a button to clearly identify this type of contest: Votes Required

And, lastly, because some people don’t like Facebook contests, we’ve added a button for that too. This is usually (but not always) pretty obvious from the contest URL, but an extra visual indicator can’t hurt: Facebook contest

One last thing on the subject of Blog Contests: My Little Review Corner has a new entry in a series of posts meant to explain the ins and outs of blog contests. This one is about Tweeting. Check it out.

Hopefully you’ll find the new buttons to be helpful. If you have suggestions on how this could be improved, please feel free to comment below. Or if you’d rather not make a public comment, you can also send a message through our contact form.

April 30th, 2011

We had a pretty big discussion a few weeks ago about blog contests. Some people like them, and some people don’t. Regardless of which side of the fence you’re on, I think you’ll find this blog post from MyLittleReviewCorner interesting:

April 17th, 2011

Recently we’ve made some recent changes to the way blog contests are handled here at, so I wanted to write quick explanation of the changes and the motivation behind them.

Previously, blog contests were mixed in with the regular contests. We normally focus on the larger contests, so generally we weren’t including a lot of the smaller blog contests. As you probably know, blog contests usually have smaller prizes and you usually have to tweet, “like” a page, or comment on the blog in order to get an entry. They also normally have much better odds of winning.

Over the past few months, a lot more of these blog contests have been submitted to us on a daily basis. It seems to be a growing trend, and since there are genuine prizes to be won, we’ve included more and more of them. Personally, I like the idea of having a 1-in-300 or 1-in-500 chance of winning, even if the prize is smaller.

Not everyone feels this way though, and we’ve received a number of complaints. Some people don’t like to bother with the smaller prizes, and some people don’t like the “work” of having to tweet a message or leave a comment. Fair enough.

So, the changes are as follows:

  • Blog contests will no longer appear on the front page. We’ve moved them to a separate page:
  • You can access this page any time by clicking the “Blog Contests” link in the black bar near the top of the page.
  • Blog contests will still be included in the daily email
  • We will be increasing the number of blog contests that are published each day

If you’re a fan of blog contests or you’re a blog owner who runs contests, I hope you’ll be happy to hear that we’re going to be including more of them. If you don’t like them, I hope you’ll be happy to hear that you won’t have to sort through them to find the regular contests that you’re looking for.

Agree? Disagree? Comments are welcome.

July 1st, 2010

Friends, some of you may have received a malware notification when visiting this site over the last few days. And while we take pride in being a smidgeon more devious than the most devious minds, we’ve gotta own up to it: we were hacked, powned and owned. Probably by some bitter basement dweller who was feeling neglected by his cat. The result is that some links were added to our site that shouldn’t have been. None of our site visitors will be affected other than occasional groaning caused by our attempts at humour.

Thanks to the visitors who alerted us to the problem. Within nanoseconds we marshalled a crack team of freedom fighters and fixed the problem with the same fighting spirit that our Canadian ancestors used to repel the charioteers of Alexander the Great. That self-heralded team included Artman, a wise-cracking rogue with straight teeth; Keyzee, the brains behind the operation, and ContestC, a childish prodigy with a chronic fear of salt. All’s well now and for anyone who happens to be reading this, hey, thanks for stickin’ around.

January 17th, 2010

We’re moving to a new server today.  This will address the painfully slow page load times that we’ve been experiencing lately, and is the first step in a series of changes that we have planned.

The site may be up-and-down while we move, and it might take up to 48 hours for you to see the improvements, so please be patient.

November 25th, 2009

We’re determined to share our absurdity. That’s why you can now follow us on Facebook and get our usual blend of pithy Contest listings right there on your Facebook page. First our Twitter feed, now a Facebook page – we’re feeling pretty darn social.

November 5th, 2009

Why would someone follow us? The only thing foolish enough to do so was this dog, and look what we did to him! But now, here we are, telling you about our new Twitter feed, thinking you’re so off-the-rails that you might even check it out.

Each and every contest that we post on will also show up as a tweet on our Contestcan Twitter feed. If you’re not using Twitter, you’re not missing anything – all the good stuff is still here, delivered with sardonic wit and the occasional typo.

You can find our Twitter feed here.

April 6th, 2009

ErnestBorgnineSo, I sent some publicity head-shots to a talent agent and she told me I had “a fraction of Ernest Borgnine’s sex appeal”. That’s when i found my calling …. radio! Listen in tonight for a chat on all sorts of contest chatter as I join Carolyn Wilman’s (aka The Contest Queen) radio program. Check it out!

April 6th, 2008

As some of you know, we’ve been working on a web site that will allow you to keep track of your entries for the various contests that appear on It’s something that we’re very excited about, and recently we launched this new service at on an invitation-only basis.

The feedback has been very positive, and now we’d like to open it up to some more people.

*If you’re one of the first 100 people to sign up for the waiting list at, you’ll automatically be approved for a 4-month free site membership.*

All you have to do is go to and enter your e-mail address on the main page. While you’re waiting for your approval e-mail from us, you may want to browse through the entries at to get an idea of the site’s features.