October 6th, 2006

You haven’t watched Benny Hill until you’ve seen it in high definition on a 51″ HDTV!


Canadians only – 1 entry per person

Expires December 31, 2006

9 Responses to Win a 51″ HDTV in HubCanada.com’s Digital Living Survey

  1. June Boland says:

    We love Benny Hill in this household….how nice it would be to watch it on a 51″ HDTV!

  2. Teresa Minty says:

    Renovating, need a bigger tv to watch great movies on. Can’t wait for it to get here.

  3. Corrie Vanwoerkom says:

    I could always use a bigger t.v

  4. henry torrealba says:

    YO no tengo website pero deseo registrarme en el concurso donde el premio es un SAMSUNG L70 portable DVD player me gusta la revista HUB porque me mantiene informado a cerca de la informatica mas avanzada e incluye la que no salido por estar en proyecto Henry Torrealba 679 Queen’s Quay West # 406 Toronto M5V 3A9 Ontario CANADA

  5. my van is a 1993 and showing me that it is very tired and will be leaving me soon,i have never won anything in my life.

  6. Jorma A Malkki says:

    I can’t afford to buy one , would be cool to win one.

  7. Steve Middleton says:

    I’d like to hook it up to the computer

  8. Gail says:

    I only wish that one time in ly life I get lucky and win something. I really think that no one cares about me. I must not be seen in this world

  9. contestc says:

    Gail, I’m sure lots of people care about you. Don’t get discouraged. Loneliness is temporary.