June 26th, 2010

Enter here for a chance to win a 2010 Volvo FWD. Where have I been? I always thought that Volvo made the ugliest cars ever. That one looks decent. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: single
Not open to: QC
Age: 13+

Expires July 12, 2010

37 Responses to Win a 2010 Volvo FWD

  1. duh no says:

    Uglier thah the ford flex?

  2. JC2436 says:

    You have now been flagged for 2 days by Google as an attack site. Run your virus checker and see if there is anything wrong with your site. I don’t know hhow you would contact Google about it.

  3. Chuck says:

    The attack thing comes from a poisened advertisement, usually it’s the ad supplier that has been hacked.

  4. artman says:

    We are aware of the issues and are working to resolve them. Thanks for alerting us.


  5. Michael says:

    i’m scared – is this place still safe?? 🙁

  6. artman says:

    There, there, Michael. It’s OK, I’m here now. Nothing can hurt you now.

    Feel better now?

  7. SusanB says:

    I have tried over and over to find the Cullen House. I am officially surrendering. I will not be driving a 2010 Volvo 🙁

  8. Jeff says:

    Anyone know the way?

  9. luke says:

    I got it in 11 forks.

  10. Dana says:

    My friend got this, not sure if its right, or left, LOL! RLRLRLLRRRR

  11. Chuck says:

    Thanks Dana – I had little piles of hair all over the desktop… til you helped out!

  12. Robert Parkins says:

    Would love to be seen at the steering wheel of this car.

  13. Frosty says:

    Instructions from start: right, left, right, left, right, left, left, right, right, right, right

  14. Frosty says:

    Just noticed Dana’s comment. I thought Dana was making a car sound. LOL.

  15. susan k. says:

    hey frosty,
    thanks a ton.
    when i win, i’ll swing by and take you for dinner

  16. marsh says:

    thanks!! scheesch, that really was painful and no way had the patience to follow through. Lost? Yep! few times. lol, again thanks for directions!!

  17. SusanB says:

    Whoooooo Finally made it! Thanks!!!

  18. Frosty says:

    If anyone wants a good laugh. Here are my notes on finding the house. Apparently I took the long way..


  19. Michelle says:

    Thank you Dana and Frosty.

  20. Corrinne Drew says:

    SWEET CAR ….. :}

  21. Leila says:

    thanks so much, guys! i was getting so frustrated!

  22. Frosty says:

    The next round involves going through the same route again and answering 3 trivia questions regarding a picture on the screen.

    The answers most likely are:

    Red light, 12 and Bella’s graduation.

    Here’s the pic as I saw it http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/3503/partyl.jpg

    I hope it’s 12 cause it could be 10 too.

  23. SusanB says:

    I put 10….it just depends totally on how you look at them.

  24. Rita J says:

    I just got an email saying that I am in the final round. I wonder how many people there are in the final round

  25. Frosty says:

    At least 3 on here. LOL!

  26. Leila says:

    i’m also in the final round!

  27. Leila says:

    i zoomed in and it’s definetly 12!

  28. Dee says:

    I also agree with:
    1) Red light
    2) 12
    3) Bella’s Graduation

    If I win the Volvo I promise to pretend to like the Twilight movies (for a little while anyway). 😉

  29. Michael says:

    Everyone who made it in 11 made the final round.

    I agree with Dee’s answers – since 33% probably got the same, it will probably be a random winner.

  30. Steph says:

    How many forks did it take you guys in the final round?!

  31. Rita J says:

    It took me the same in the final 11. The picture frames were hard to see. I said 10. I hope I win!!

  32. Steph says:

    I did 11 forks as well, but i put 12 frames. I keep looking at the picture but I don’t see how it could be 10. Ahh well good luck! 🙂

  33. Frosty says:

    It could be 10 if the 2 bright pics are blanks but i think i see frames so i put 12.

  34. Leila says:

    does anyone know for sure when the winner will be announced?

  35. Frosty says:

    The 26th of July so we out of luck.

  36. Rita J says:

    We are not out of luck. I called the Volvo 1-800 number and asked about the contest. They had not yet picked a winner. 17 Aug 2010.

  37. Frosty says:

    Winner was from North York, Ontario. Just got email.