July 1st, 2010

Friends, some of you may have received a malware notification when visiting this site over the last few days. And while we take pride in being a smidgeon more devious than the most devious minds, we’ve gotta own up to it: we were hacked, powned and owned. Probably by some bitter basement dweller who was feeling neglected by his cat. The result is that some links were added to our site that shouldn’t have been. None of our site visitors will be affected other than occasional groaning caused by our attempts at humour.

Thanks to the visitors who alerted us to the problem. Within nanoseconds we marshalled a crack team of freedom fighters and fixed the problem with the same fighting spirit that our Canadian ancestors used to repel the charioteers of Alexander the Great. That self-heralded team included Artman, a wise-cracking rogue with straight teeth; Keyzee, the brains behind the operation, and ContestC, a childish prodigy with a chronic fear of salt. All’s well now and for anyone who happens to be reading this, hey, thanks for stickin’ around.


13 Responses to Freedom Prevails after ContestCanada.net Attack

  1. Eugenius says:

    Way to go, men!
    Right, three cheers then…
    now, dammit!

  2. Michael says:


    btw – it’s “pwned”

    Urban Dictionary says “people only use this spelling of the word (i.e., “powned”) when they are trying to be extra-ret…”


  3. SusanB says:

    Mornings just weren’t the same without you (and Michael) (and Dana)….oh there goes the big love-in again. 🙂

  4. albertarose says:

    I was some terrified when that big RED message flashed across my screen. But I’m so thankful your
    freedom fighters were on the ball and got the site all fixed up.. I went thru
    withdrawals for 2 days… Welcome back. !

  5. Michael says:

    hey, Susan!

  6. Dana says:

    Thanks boyz for all your hard work! Hope you don’t get powned, or owned again! Well, unless you want to!

  7. Dana says:

    Susan, you still complete me! 😉

  8. JanLaw says:

    We bow to those who keep us safe from the dark side!

  9. Sue A. says:

    Glad you’re back in action!

    Had me worried there…

  10. SusanB says:

    I know I will never quit you Dana.

  11. M2 says:

    Not on Artman’s watch!

  12. lyssabear says:

    Thanks for saving my contest addiction 🙂

  13. Glenn Maguire says:

    One of my favorite things about this website is that even in your succinct asides regarding the contests, one can detect your keen sense of irony. I also like that you repeatedly remark on contests with a remarkable lack of winners. You’ve moved up my favorites list, right after http://www.galleryoftheabsurd. Now the attack of the Malware(which I was recently a victim of). When will the madness end? Keep me posted man.
    Glenn Maguire