July 25th, 2012

Enter here for a chance to win a LG Washer & Dryer Set. This is a great prize but it just reminds me that I have a big pile of laundry waiting for me in the other room. Great, now I’m upset again. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: single
Age: age of majority

Expires September 7, 2012

6 Responses to Win a LG Washer & Dryer Set

  1. steve callahan says:

    ours could give out any day here , need one badly .

  2. Susie Palumbo says:

    Would love to get a new team in the Landry room!

  3. Linda Sharpe says:

    I need one badly so will keep trying to win one as I can’t afford to buy a set

  4. I would love to win LG washer and dryer.Since my dryer died on me.I love having clean clothes.From Nora Dokken in Winnipeg,Manitoba.Thank you have a great day.

  5. kaitlyn says:

    I really want to win this for my mom and step dad it would be great win so we don’t have to go to the laundry mat.

  6. Crystal Rumbolt says:

    Mine washer is not working…Need one desperatly!