August 18th, 2012

Enter here for a chance to win a 3-night trip to Arthur’s Day in Dublin, Ireland. I don’t know who this Arthur is, but something tells me he’s a drinker. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: single
Age: 19+

Expires September 16, 2012

4 Responses to Win a trip to Dublin, Ireland

  1. kat says:

    Arthur Guinness Day is a celebration of the incredible legacy of Arthur Guinness. At 17:59 (The year Guinness Brewery was born) on September 27th, we’ll be raising a glass with some of the worlds best known music artists in Dublin, Ireland. It’s the ultimate reward for the ultimate beer, and we want you to join us.

  2. Amy says:

    Cheers! I’d love a trip to Dublin. I just recently read Angela’s Ashes and would love to see Ireland! 🙂

  3. Regina Roy says:

    I would love to go to Ireland!

  4. I have two video tapes of Ireland and would love to visit Dublin in August for the rannual rose show!!