February 27th, 2007

I could use a washer/dryer set right now as my dryer shook loose of its mounting bracket and is barely hanging off the wall above my washer. I’m risking my neck for clean towels!

Entry Frequency: single

Expires December 31, 2007

8 Responses to Win a Frigidaire Washer & Dryer

  1. daniel lemire says:

    bonjour, j’aimerais bien gagner!

  2. Angela Brown says:

    My dryer broker down – needless to say I would love this!

  3. zane&stephanie says:

    we desperatly need a help for our new life…college…& finding a place for us, help would really be appreciated!!!!

  4. Luc L'Ecuyer says:

    I always start off with pairs of socks and end up with singles! I’m pretty sure my old appliances are eating them! It would be nice to have a well fed, new set!

  5. Alice Harron-Spence says:

    I’m tired & old, & trying hard to be able to afford to retire. a new Fridgaire washer & dryer would help speed my way to the easy chair!!

  6. Sharon Morrison says:

    I have a Frigidaire stove and fridge and love them. They are my favorite make of appliances and I’ve had quite a feww different ones. I would dearly love to win a new Frigidaire washer and dryer.

  7. Sharon Morrison says:

    I have a Frigidaire stove and fridge and love them. They are my favorite make of appliances. I would dearly love to win a Frigidaire washer and dryer.

  8. Mary Mellin says:

    I could really use a new washer and dryer my are old and ugly.Dryer takes for ever to dry.