June 26th, 2010
Win a 2010 Volvo FWD
Enter here for a chance to win a 2010 Volvo FWD. Where have I been? I always thought that Volvo made the ugliest cars ever. That one looks decent. Good Luck!
Entry Frequency: single
Not open to: QC
Age: 13+
37 Responses to Win a 2010 Volvo FWD
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Uglier thah the ford flex?
You have now been flagged for 2 days by Google as an attack site. Run your virus checker and see if there is anything wrong with your site. I don’t know hhow you would contact Google about it.
The attack thing comes from a poisened advertisement, usually it’s the ad supplier that has been hacked.
We are aware of the issues and are working to resolve them. Thanks for alerting us.
i’m scared – is this place still safe?? 🙁
There, there, Michael. It’s OK, I’m here now. Nothing can hurt you now.
Feel better now?
I have tried over and over to find the Cullen House. I am officially surrendering. I will not be driving a 2010 Volvo 🙁
Anyone know the way?
I got it in 11 forks.
My friend got this, not sure if its right, or left, LOL! RLRLRLLRRRR
Thanks Dana – I had little piles of hair all over the desktop… til you helped out!
Would love to be seen at the steering wheel of this car.
Instructions from start: right, left, right, left, right, left, left, right, right, right, right
Just noticed Dana’s comment. I thought Dana was making a car sound. LOL.
hey frosty,
thanks a ton.
when i win, i’ll swing by and take you for dinner
thanks!! scheesch, that really was painful and no way had the patience to follow through. Lost? Yep! few times. lol, again thanks for directions!!
Whoooooo Finally made it! Thanks!!!
If anyone wants a good laugh. Here are my notes on finding the house. Apparently I took the long way..
Thank you Dana and Frosty.
SWEET CAR ….. :}
thanks so much, guys! i was getting so frustrated!
The next round involves going through the same route again and answering 3 trivia questions regarding a picture on the screen.
The answers most likely are:
Red light, 12 and Bella’s graduation.
Here’s the pic as I saw it http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/3503/partyl.jpg
I hope it’s 12 cause it could be 10 too.
I put 10….it just depends totally on how you look at them.
I just got an email saying that I am in the final round. I wonder how many people there are in the final round
At least 3 on here. LOL!
i’m also in the final round!
i zoomed in and it’s definetly 12!
I also agree with:
1) Red light
2) 12
3) Bella’s Graduation
If I win the Volvo I promise to pretend to like the Twilight movies (for a little while anyway). 😉
Everyone who made it in 11 made the final round.
I agree with Dee’s answers – since 33% probably got the same, it will probably be a random winner.
How many forks did it take you guys in the final round?!
It took me the same in the final 11. The picture frames were hard to see. I said 10. I hope I win!!
I did 11 forks as well, but i put 12 frames. I keep looking at the picture but I don’t see how it could be 10. Ahh well good luck! 🙂
It could be 10 if the 2 bright pics are blanks but i think i see frames so i put 12.
does anyone know for sure when the winner will be announced?
The 26th of July so we out of luck.
We are not out of luck. I called the Volvo 1-800 number and asked about the contest. They had not yet picked a winner. 17 Aug 2010.
Winner was from North York, Ontario. Just got email.