September 20th, 2006

I just entered this one as I could use a little top-up on my son’s RESP. Y’see there’s only enough savings in the account to pay for one pack of smokes. Which makes me wonder, how’s he going to get through university with only one pack of smokes? 😛

Here’s a UPC from a participating Heinz product (I knew my ketchup bottle collection would come in handy one day)    5700000299

Ontario only – 1 entry per email per person per day – Expires Oct. 31

Expires October 31, 2006

One Response to Win one of 5 RESPs worth $4,000

  1. Les Desjardins says:

    LOL, nice post. Umm… I’m no fianancial wiz, but do smokes count as an eligible RESP expense? 😛