June 21st, 2012

Enter here daily for a chance to win a Maytag 3-piece Kitchen Appliance Package. It’s so hot these day I need that fridge – to sleep in. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: daily
Age: age of majority

Expires July 13, 2012

14 Responses to Win a Maytag Kitchen Appliance Package

  1. Dolores says:

    anyone have the secret words, thanks for sharing if you do

  2. Sharon says:

    I think it is Coronation Street.

  3. Filipa says:

    Thanks Sharon!

  4. Donna R says:

    So, I faithfully watched all of “Maytag Monday” and still didn’t see tonight’s secret word(s). Anyone have them? Thanks very much!

  5. lorri says:

    Thanks Ms Rebecca!

  6. Filipa says:

    Thanks very much Rebecca.

  7. bobbie says:


  8. Filipa says:

    Thanks Bobbie!

  9. Donna R. says:

    So. . . .tried to enter today, July 8th, and it says the contest is closed already. Oh well. . . .guess I can stop watching for Maytag Mondays now. L

  10. bobbie says:

    strange that the contest is clossed because the maytag monday word appeared on cornation street yesterday and it was dependable again

  11. Donna R. says:

    And, today it let me enter. Oh well. Thanks for the secret word, Bobbie.