September 28th, 2012

Enter here for a chance to win a 2012 Toyota Rav4. Four wheels, an engine, brakes, gas, cup holder – yup, it’s got everything you’re looking for in a vehicle. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: single
Age: age of majority

Expires November 3, 2012

14 Responses to Win a 2012 Toyota Rav4

  1. Frances says:

    our clunker is on its last leg-need a new one

  2. Our old klunker needs a heart transplant and megga lifts, needs to be put to rest.

  3. Glen Olmstead says:

    Our car is old, like us

  4. Sandi Chase-Caron says:

    Our car is 10 years old… time for a new one.

  5. Richard Fernuk says:

    my ’88 Mercury is ready for the wreckers, winning would be a blessing

  6. Tanna says:

    i am a single mom of 3 babies ages 4, 3 and 1 years old and i have no car

  7. Darcy says:

    A new car is always a good reason to leave a response.

  8. Norm Murray says:

    Wife loves the Toyota Rav4

  9. steve callahan says:

    they r good vehices love to own one

  10. CBakota says:

    Seriously! I do not have a vehicle. So I wish that I could have or want vehicle to pick up my Dad who is a wheelchair to take him for outings from the care home. I could use to help disabled Sister with her shopping, moving or whatever her little heart desires. Plus, on the selfish side, I sure would love to be able to drive to anywhere for a “stay-cation”, there are so many beautiful places in Canada to go and visit. And I could bring a few friends with me too!! There’s nothing like a road trip.

  11. sylvia says:

    Love to drive a toyota car.

  12. Rejean Gamache says:

    Love toyota Rav4

  13. Joanne says:

    We have a rav4 now and we love it, so we would like to have a new one. Love Toyota