September 30th, 2012

Residents of Ontario can enter here for a chance to win a prize package including 4 tickets to the Treasures of China Dazu Rock Carvings Exhibit, 4 tickets to Centre in The Square Centre, a 1-night stay at the Walper Hotel, lunch at Imbibe Bistro, and a $150 Mandarin gift card. We have to find three questions on their Facebook page and email the answers. Anyone feel like sharing that info with us? Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: single
Age: 18+

Expires October 4, 2012

5 Responses to Win a Treasures of China Prize Pack (ON only)

  1. katydidit says:

    Has anyone been able to find any of the questions on facebook? I have had no luck so far. Any help pointing me in the right direction would be awesome!

  2. lorri says:

    The clue is there now, answer Lucy Liu

  3. lorri says:

    oops wrong contest!!

  4. Christine Holliday says:

    I can’t find the questions, nevermind the answers!!!…

  5. Mark Martin says:

    Here are the first two questions and one answer only.

    Q1. What museum does the Treasures of China Dazu Rock Carvings Exhibit take place at?
    Answer: THEMUSEUM

    Q2. Where do the rock carvings come from in China?