June 29th, 2007

Submit a Coffee Crisp UPC and enter to win a cabin rental in Canada for 8 weeks. It’s almost like winning a vacation, but not really. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: daily
Age: 21+

Expires November 28, 2007

13 Responses to Win a summer cabin rental

  1. Elizabeth says:

    A UPC code that works is 5980000021.
    The answer to the clue is Alberta.
    Good Luck

  2. artman says:

    thanks elizabeth

  3. Brian says:

    This link to contest is dead now anyone know why?

  4. Elizabeth says:

    I just google the contest and go to the contest via their main page.
    The answer to the cabin location is Silvertip Ridge. Good Luck !

  5. dnhpwr says:

    Hi, Elizabeth,
    fancy meeting you here !

    to make it complete for this group the answers to the weekly questions are 1. Alberta, 2. Calgary, 3. Rocky Mountains and it seems some enterprising person (not me) discovered how to access the rest of the questions
    Clue 4: Canadian National Park renowned for its hot springs-is BANFF

    Clue 5: This 4000 sq. km wilderness and recreation area is located in the foothills of the Rockies- is

    Clue 6: The valley with the same name as an implement used for Archery- is BOW

    Clue 7: This town hosted Cross Country Skiing and Biathlon during the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics- is

    Clue 8: A golf course named after a Grizzly bear- is SILVER TIP

    enjoy and good luck everyone

  6. kathy says:

    silvertip ridge did not work–whats up?

  7. David says:

    They have changed the clues and the location.

  8. Connie says:

    The 10th national park is Glacier National Park.
    The place where the North and South Thompson Rivers intersect is Kamloops.
    The 700 acre reserve with the strait of Georgia is Tsawwassen.
    Region located on the South Western tip of Vancouver Island: Sooke
    I don’t know the answer for the cabin.




  10. mon code cupest le5980000021.et le site est situe a wawa.

  11. Rebecca says:

    Wow! what an idea ! What a concept ! Beautiful .. Amazing …

  12. Schedule says:

    Maybe you could make changes to the webpage subject Contest Canada .net » Blog Archive » Win a summer cabin rental to more better for your subject you make. I enjoyed the post nevertheless.

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